Volunteer Opportunities
Yoga Instructor
All yoga instrctors reqired to be at least 200 yoga allience cerified.
Yoga instructors are apart of a team focused on growth and delivering a consistent high-quality service to members within the community.
All gardeners will be reqiured to donate two days of the week (we work with your schudule) for watering, maintain the gardens, and havsting.
Gradeners will learn skills needed to take care of the veggies and landscape our safe space with the community.
Event Planning
Event planner is requires to have good orgizing skills, good communication skills, and the ability to work with others.
Event planner will organize field trips
move nights, fundrisers, sound healings and etc.
Social Media
All soical media expert most be able to guide themselves aound all social madia apps; such as Facebook, IG, and Twitter accouts.
Expert will be expected to post on all social media site at least 2 times per week.
Human Resources
Human Resources specialists most be able to be the point person on building skilled teams to tackle community projects to recruiting and organizing volunteers to assist with daily tasks.
Event Team Recruiter
Job Developer
Team Leader
Volunteer Coordinator
Public Relation
Specialists most be able to build and maintain a positive public image for organization.
Create media, from press releases to social media messages, that shape public opinion of the organization and increase awareness of our brand.